DiscoverREAL AF with Andy Frisella739. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Not Going Anywhere, Riots Erupt In France & 35-Year-Old "Teenager"
739. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Not Going Anywhere, Riots Erupt In France & 35-Year-Old "Teenager"

739. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Not Going Anywhere, Riots Erupt In France & 35-Year-Old "Teenager"

Update: 2024-07-091


Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, hosts of the "Realist" podcast, continue their discussion on living a fulfilling life. They criticize the trend of people sacrificing their youth and health to live longer, arguing that it's more important to have a good 70 years of quality life than a long life filled with mediocrity. They emphasize the importance of enjoying life, being physically active, and not hiding from the world. The hosts then move on to their "Thumbs Up or Dumb as Fuck" segment, where they discuss a news story about a teenager who heroically jumped onto a runaway boat to save others. They commend the teenager's bravery and highlight the dangers of the situation. They also use this story to further emphasize their point about living a full life and taking risks. The episode concludes with a humorous discussion about the importance of men being heroic and not being afraid to take action, contrasting this with the trend of men being overly concerned with their appearance and avoiding risks.


Introduction and Show Format

This Chapter introduces the "Realist" podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz. They outline the show's format, which includes Q&A segments, real talk discussions, and interviews with individuals who have completed the 75-Hard program. They also emphasize their commitment to providing honest and uncensored content.

Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign

This Chapter focuses on Joe Biden's recent appearances on radio shows and his attempts to recover his image. The hosts express skepticism about Biden's claims of fighting for the middle class and highlight the growing concerns about his mental acuity. They also criticize the media's complicity in perpetuating a false narrative about Biden's performance.

French Elections and the Rise of the Far Left

This Chapter examines the surprising results of the French elections, where a far-left coalition unexpectedly won a plurality of seats, despite Marine Le Pen's National Rally winning the most votes. The hosts argue that this outcome is a sign of a larger trend towards the erosion of national identity and the rise of a one-world government. They warn that similar tactics are being employed in America, with the goal of replacing the native population with migrants and ultimately creating a unified race with no nationalist pride.

Anti-Aging Secrets and the Internet's Influence

This Chapter discusses the claims of a 35-year-old man who attributes his youthful appearance to staying out of the sun and avoiding alcohol. Andy and DJ express skepticism about these claims, arguing that the sun is beneficial for health and that the man's appearance may be due to other factors, such as genetics. They also criticize the trend of people promoting their personal preferences as scientific facts.

Quality of Life vs. Longevity

This Chapter delves into the debate about quality of life versus longevity. The hosts argue that it's more important to have a good 70 years of quality life than a long life filled with mediocrity. They criticize the trend of people sacrificing their youth and health to live longer, emphasizing the importance of enjoying life, being physically active, and not hiding from the world.

Thumbs Up or Dumb as Fuck: Teenager Saves Lives

This Chapter features the "Thumbs Up or Dumb as Fuck" segment, where the hosts discuss a news story about a teenager who heroically jumped onto a runaway boat to save others. They commend the teenager's bravery and highlight the dangers of the situation. They also use this story to further emphasize their point about living a full life and taking risks.


Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the 46th and current president of the United States. He is a member of the Democratic Party and has served in the U.S. Senate from Delaware since 1973. Biden was elected president in 2020, defeating incumbent Donald Trump. His presidency has been marked by a number of challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Biden's policies have been criticized by both Democrats and Republicans, and his approval ratings have been consistently low.

French Elections

The French legislative elections are held every five years to elect the members of the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament. The elections are held in two rounds, with the first round taking place on Sunday, June 12, 2022, and the second round taking place on Sunday, June 19, 2022. The elections were held in the context of a number of challenges facing France, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the rising cost of living. The results of the elections were a significant victory for President Emmanuel Macron's centrist coalition, which won a majority of seats in the National Assembly. However, the far-left coalition, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also made significant gains, winning a significant number of seats.

One-World Government

A one-world government is a hypothetical political entity that would govern the entire world. The concept has been discussed by philosophers, political theorists, and conspiracy theorists for centuries. Proponents of a one-world government argue that it would be necessary to solve global problems such as climate change, poverty, and war. Opponents argue that it would be a threat to individual liberty and national sovereignty. The concept of a one-world government is often associated with conspiracy theories, such as the belief that a group of powerful individuals is secretly working to establish a global government.


Anti-aging is a broad term that refers to any effort to slow down or reverse the aging process. Anti-aging products and treatments are a multi-billion dollar industry, with a wide range of products and services available. Some popular anti-aging treatments include Botox injections, fillers, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels. There is also a growing interest in natural anti-aging methods, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. The effectiveness of anti-aging treatments is often debated, with some studies showing that they can have a positive impact on appearance, while others show that they have little or no effect. The best anti-aging strategy is likely to involve a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatments.


Sunscreen is a topical product that helps to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunscreen works by absorbing or reflecting UV radiation, preventing it from reaching the skin. Sunscreen is available in a variety of forms, including lotions, creams, sprays, and sticks. It is important to choose a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher and to apply it liberally and evenly to all exposed skin 20 minutes before going outside. Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, or more often if swimming or sweating. Sunscreen is an important part of protecting the skin from sun damage, which can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer.

Quality of Life

Quality of life refers to the general well-being of an individual or a group of people. It encompasses various aspects of life, including physical health, mental health, social relationships, education, employment, and living environment. A high quality of life is characterized by a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and purpose. It is often associated with factors such as good health, strong social connections, financial security, and access to opportunities. The concept of quality of life is subjective and can vary depending on individual values and priorities. However, some common elements of a high quality of life include: * **Physical Health:** Good physical health is essential for a high quality of life. This includes having access to healthcare, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding chronic illnesses. * **Mental Health:** Mental well-being is equally important. This includes having a positive outlook on life, managing stress effectively, and seeking help when needed. * **Social Relationships:** Strong social connections are crucial for a sense of belonging and support. This includes having close friends, family, and community members. * **Education and Employment:** Education and employment provide opportunities for personal growth, financial security, and social status. * **Living Environment:** A safe, comfortable, and stimulating living environment contributes to a high quality of life. * **Personal Fulfillment:** Feeling a sense of purpose and meaning in life is essential for overall well-being. Quality of life is a complex and multifaceted concept. It is influenced by a wide range of factors, both internal and external. By focusing on improving these factors, individuals and societies can strive for a higher quality of life.

Runaway Boat

A runaway boat refers to a boat that is out of control and moving without a designated operator. This can occur due to various reasons, such as mechanical failure, a sudden gust of wind, or a person falling overboard. Runaway boats pose a significant danger to other vessels, swimmers, and people on shore. The term "runaway boat" is often used in news reports and maritime safety discussions to describe incidents where a boat is drifting or moving erratically without a captain or crew member at the helm. The consequences of a runaway boat can be severe, including: * **Collisions:** A runaway boat can collide with other vessels, causing damage and injuries. * **Property Damage:** A runaway boat can damage docks, piers, and other structures. * **Injuries:** People on shore or in the water can be injured by a runaway boat. * **Environmental Damage:** A runaway boat can cause environmental damage by spilling fuel or other pollutants. To prevent runaway boats, it is essential to: * **Maintain Boats Properly:** Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent mechanical failures. * **Secure Boats:** Boats should be properly secured to docks or moorings to prevent them from drifting away. * **Be Aware of Weather Conditions:** Boat operators should be aware of weather conditions and take appropriate precautions. * **Have a Safety Plan:** Boat operators should have a safety plan in place in case of an emergency. In the event of a runaway boat, it is important to: * **Call for Help:** Contact the Coast Guard or local authorities immediately. * **Stay Clear:** Stay clear of the runaway boat and warn others. * **Document the Incident:** Take photos or videos of the incident to help with investigations.


Heroic refers to an act of great courage, bravery, and selflessness, often performed in the face of danger or adversity. A heroic act typically involves putting oneself at risk to help others or to achieve a noble goal. The term "heroic" is often used to describe individuals who: * **Save Lives:** They risk their own safety to rescue others from danger, such as firefighters who enter burning buildings or lifeguards who save swimmers from drowning. * **Stand Up for Justice:** They fight against injustice or oppression, such as activists who protest against discrimination or soldiers who fight for their country's freedom. * **Overcome Challenges:** They persevere through difficult circumstances, such as athletes who overcome injuries or scientists who make groundbreaking discoveries. Heroic acts can be both large and small. They can involve grand gestures or simple acts of kindness. What makes an act heroic is the intention behind it and the impact it has on others. Heroes are often admired and celebrated for their courage and selflessness. They inspire others to be brave, to stand up for what is right, and to make a difference in the world.


A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. Lakes are typically freshwater, but some lakes are saltwater. Lakes are formed in a variety of ways, including by glaciers, volcanoes, and tectonic activity. Lakes are important ecosystems that provide habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals. They also play a role in regulating the climate and providing water for human use. Some of the most famous lakes in the world include: * **Lake Superior:** The largest freshwater lake in the world, located in North America. * **Lake Baikal:** The deepest lake in the world, located in Siberia, Russia. * **Lake Victoria:** The largest lake in Africa, located in East Africa. * **Lake Titicaca:** The highest navigable lake in the world, located on the border of Peru and Bolivia. Lakes are popular destinations for recreation, such as swimming, boating, fishing, and camping. They also provide opportunities for scientific research and education. The health of lakes is threatened by pollution, climate change, and invasive species. It is important to protect lakes from these threats to ensure their continued health and well-being.


  • What are some of the key concerns about Joe Biden's mental acuity?

    The hosts express concerns about Biden's mental acuity, citing his recent appearances on radio shows where he seemed to struggle with his words and exhibited signs of anger and frustration. They suggest that these behaviors may be indicative of a decline in his cognitive abilities.

  • What is the significance of the French elections and the unexpected victory of the far-left coalition?

    The hosts see the French elections as a significant event, highlighting the growing influence of the far-left and the erosion of national identity. They believe that the coalition's victory is a sign of a larger trend towards a one-world government, where the native populations of various countries are replaced with migrants and nationalist pride is eliminated.

  • What are the hosts' views on the claims of a 35-year-old man who attributes his youthful appearance to staying out of the sun and avoiding alcohol?

    The hosts express skepticism about these claims, arguing that the sun is beneficial for health and that the man's appearance may be due to other factors, such as genetics. They also criticize the trend of people promoting their personal preferences as scientific facts.

  • What is the hosts' message to their listeners regarding the upcoming elections?

    The hosts urge their listeners to vote in the upcoming elections, even if they believe that the elections are compromised. They argue that voting is essential to provide evidence of voter turnout and to make it more difficult for those in power to steal the election.

  • What is the hosts' main argument against sacrificing youth for longevity?

    The hosts argue that it's more important to have a good 70 years of quality life than a long life filled with mediocrity. They believe that people who sacrifice their youth and health to live longer are missing out on the best years of their lives and are ultimately living a less fulfilling existence.

  • What heroic act is discussed in the "Thumbs Up or Dumb as Fuck" segment?

    The hosts discuss a teenager who heroically jumped onto a runaway boat to save others. The teenager's quick thinking and bravery prevented a potentially dangerous situation from escalating.

  • What is the hosts' message about men being heroic?

    The hosts argue that men should be heroic and not be afraid to take action, contrasting this with the trend of men being overly concerned with their appearance and avoiding risks. They believe that men should be willing to step up and help others in need.

Show Notes

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Biden calling into "Morning Joe" saying he's not going anywhere in the Presidential election, Riots erupting in France after the French elections, and the 35-year-old man who's constantly told he looks like a teenager reveals his secret to staying young.

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739. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Not Going Anywhere, Riots Erupt In France & 35-Year-Old "Teenager"

739. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden Not Going Anywhere, Riots Erupt In France & 35-Year-Old "Teenager"